Why Sealcoating Is a Necessity for Asphalt Parking Lots and Driveways

Sealcoating can restore a faded asphalt parking lot or driveway to its original deep black appearance. It also acts as a protective barrier against UV rays, water, oil and other oxidizing substances.

However, the weather conditions need to be just right for this process to be successful. The temperature must be comfortable and the humidity low. Visit https://www.rochesternysealcoating.com/ to learn more.


One of the biggest reasons why asphalt driveways and parking lots need to be seal coated is that it helps protect them from damage. If asphalt is left untreated, it will eventually start to crumble, crack, and develop potholes that require costly repairs to fix. A good quality seal coat will help prevent this from happening and give your asphalt a nice, smooth, new-looking appearance for years to come.

A professional sealcoating company will examine your pavement surface to see how much damage has occurred over the years, as well as determine if there are any holes or cracks that need to be filled. They will also look for oil spots and any other areas that may need special attention such as patching and prepping. Once the area is prepared, the professionals will then spray on the sealcoat. Workers will use a specialized machine that is designed to apply a thick layer over the entire surface, including the edges. After this, workers will hand squeegee and brush the entire area to ensure it is evenly spread and to fill in any cracks or gaps.

The process of oxidation causes asphalt to become brittle, and once this happens it becomes easier for water to penetrate the surface and weaken it. It is also harder for the asphalt to resist pressure from vehicles and foot traffic, which is why it’s important to get a sealcoat every couple of years.

Getting a sealcoat will prevent the deterioration of your asphalt, and it’s an inexpensive way to maintain it for a long time. A good quality asphalt sealcoat will prevent stains, slow down the oxidation process, and fill in any cracks or holes that might occur.

It’s not just the weather that can damage your asphalt, gasoline, motor oil, antifreeze, de-icing chemicals, and salts can all stain, corrode, and destroy it as well. Sealcoating will help prevent these liquids from leaking into the asphalt and damaging it. A sealcoat will help protect the underlying structure of your asphalt, and it will also give it that brand-new black look instead of a dull gray.

It Prevents Stains

Asphalt stains are not only unsightly, they can also cause serious damage. A good sealcoat will protect the surface from oil, grease, gasoline and other chemicals. If these substances are allowed to penetrate the pavement, they can cause the deterioration of the aggregates that hold up the pavement. This in turn can lead to cracking, sink holes and severe deterioration of the whole surface. A sealcoat will stop these stains from ever occurring, and it will also prevent them from spreading.

A driveway or parking lot that is full of cracks, deterioration and discoloration can make your property look less appealing and may even deter customers. In addition, a poorly maintained parking lot can lead to safety issues and lawsuits. A proper sealcoating job can keep these problems from occurring, and it will also prolong the life of the pavement, saving you time, money and stress in the long run.

When asphalt is new, it has a deep black appearance that looks rich and inviting. As it ages, the sun and other weather conditions can fade the pavement to a dull gray or white color. A seal coat can restore the original black color of the asphalt, making your property look more attractive and increasing its value.

Another benefit of a proper seal coating is that it will slow the oxidation of the pavement. Oxidation is caused by the continuous exposure of asphalt to UV rays. As the oxidation progresses, the asphalt binder breaks down and the pavement becomes brittle. A sealcoat will prevent this oxidation from happening, keeping your pavement strong and durable.

It is important to note that a sealcoat will only work if the surface of the asphalt is free from any major damage, like cracks or potholes. These repairs should be completed before the sealant is applied. It is recommended that you hire a professional to perform these repairs, such as an experienced asphalt contractor. The right equipment, including a hot pour crack filler and a broom, can help to ensure that the asphalt is properly prepped before the sealant is applied. A broom will remove any dirt, dust, gravel or other debris that could interfere with the adhesion of the sealant.

It Increases Curb Appeal

A well-maintained asphalt parking lot isn’t just a plus for residents and visitors; it also boosts property value. A driveway or parking lot that hasn’t been sealcoated can look drab and dated, while one that has been recently sealed appears shiny and brand new. Whether you’re looking to sell your home or trying to attract tenants to your business, a jet black finish exudes an image of a well-maintained property and increases curb appeal.

Maintaining a driveway or parking lot can be expensive, especially if it’s not regularly sealcoated. Sealcoating every 2-3 years ensures that your asphalt will last longer and improves its appearance. Sealcoating is a cost-effective way to make your driveway or parking lot appear new again and adds significant value to your property.

The dark color of the sealant complements most any driveway or parking lot and makes it easier to spot oil spills and other debris before they become permanent stains. It can also help deflect heat from the sun, which can cause your asphalt to deteriorate faster.

Sealcoating also protects the pavement from harsh weather conditions like freezes, thaws, and UV rays. When applied properly, asphalt sealer acts like a waterproofing agent, reducing the rate at which water permeates through the pavement. This prevents weed growth, cracking, and surface damage.

It also helps ice and snow melt more quickly, which is important for both residential and commercial properties. This can also reduce the need for road salts, which can be very hard on blacktop. When ice and snow melt more quickly, the weight of the ice and snow is lessened, which can help avoid cracks and divots.

During the asphalt sealcoating process, workers should wear protective equipment including hard hats, long sleeves and pants, impervious gloves, and safety glasses. This is because the sealant is sticky and creates fumes during the drying process that could pose health hazards for those who are not properly protected. Proper training should be provided to workers as well to ensure they know how to work safely with coal tar emulsions, as it is a hazardous material.

It Prevents Water Damage

Asphalt pavement is a combination of rock and stone aggregates that are held together by bitumen (a petroleum-based substance). The sun’s UV rays and chemicals from car fluids can degrade the binder, leaving the surface exposed to further degradation. A sealcoat keeps this from happening by acting as a protective layer that re-establishes the bond between the aggregates. This prevents the pavement from deteriorating and forming brittle cracks that can cause severe damage to your property’s driveway or parking lot.

Another important benefit of a sealcoat is that it acts as a barrier against water. When left untreated, asphalt can easily absorb water, which can expand in cold temperatures and further break down the structure of the pavement. This can cause the cracks to grow and spread across the entire surface, making it unsafe for driving or parking. A sealcoat creates a water-resistant surface that stops water from seeping into the pavement, which can prevent further damage and keep the surface looking newer longer.

Leaking fluids are also a big problem for asphalt surfaces, as they can further break down the surface and cause more extensive damage. Oil, gasoline, antifreeze and de-icing chemicals all contain chemical compounds that can stain or corrode asphalt pavement. By preventing these liquids from seeping into the pavement, sealcoating protects the asphalt from further damage and helps it last longer.

Sealcoating is a relatively inexpensive maintenance procedure, especially when compared to the cost of full replacement or repair. The longevity of your parking lot or driveway will be significantly increased with a proper sealcoat, which can be applied every 2-4 years. In addition, a professional contractor will be able to spot minor problems and repairs before they grow into more serious issues.

Whether you are the owner of a commercial business or simply want to keep your home’s driveway looking newer and better, it is recommended that you get a sealcoat for your asphalt. It will save you time, money and hassle in the long run by protecting the structure of your asphalt and keeping it in good condition.

Sealcoating Asphalt Pavement

Asphalt pavement deteriorates quickly when it is exposed to oil, gas and chemical substances. Sealcoating protects a paved surface from these destructive liquids and keeps it flexible to weather changes and vehicular pressure.

It also preserves that beautiful, brand-new black appearance. However, there are many types of sealcoating and not all are appropriate for every commercial property. Visit https://www.rochesternysealcoating.com/ to learn more.


Asphalt pavement is a combination of rock and stone aggregate held together with a binding material known as asphalt cement. Over time, sun and rain degrade the asphalt cement causing it to become brittle and crack. Sealcoating is an effective method of preventing the deterioration of asphalt and extending its life by creating a protective layer against oil, water, UV rays and other oxidizing substances.

Crack filling is one of the most important applications in the process of sealcoating. It is the process of filling in small cracks in your asphalt parking lot or driveway. This process prevents water from seeping through those cracks and freezing in the winter – thus damaging your asphalt surface. It also helps to restore the beauty of your asphalt and improves its curb appeal.

Before crack filling can be done, the crack needs to be cleaned out and prepped. Depending on your climate, you may need to perform crack sealing before crack filling. Typically, the best method is to use a motorized piece of equipment called a router which creates a channel for the crack to fill. This allows the crack sealer to flow more evenly – reducing the risk of future problems.

Once the crack is cleaned, it must be thoroughly dried before workers begin applying the seal coat. The drying time varies depending on your environment, but should be completed within 24 to 48 hours.

Crack Filling can be performed as a stand alone treatment for pavement that is in good condition or as part of a yearly maintenance and repair program. Performing this treatment will help to extend the life of your asphalt and save you money in the long run.

There are several different configurations of crack filling including reservoir, overband and a combination. Regardless of which configuration is chosen, it is important to use the right wand tip for the job. Using the wrong one can result in the crack filling materials tracking into buildings or other areas of the property which will require more expensive remediation.

Hot-applied crack filler can be used in cracks up to 3/4″ wide. For larger cracks, cold-applied crack sealers are available for application.


Sealcoating is the process of applying a coating to asphalt surfaces such as driveways, parking lots, and roads. It is an effective way to prevent oxidation and damage caused by weather, salts, and oil spills. It also provides a protective layer that helps prolong the life of your pavement. In addition, it improves the appearance of your property by restoring sun-bleached areas and giving them a rich dark color. However, it is important to note that seal coating cannot repair cracked or damaged pavement and should only be used as a preventative measure.

Prior to the sealcoating process, your driveway or parking lot should be cleaned and free of any dirt, gravel, dust, and oil stains. You can do this by washing the area with a soap nozzle attached to your garden hose or power washer. Once the surface is clean, it is important to allow the paved surface to dry completely before sealcoating.

In addition, the area to be sealed must be closed off to all pedestrians and vehicles using barricades, cones, signs, and caution tape. It is also a good idea to reschedule or make alternative arrangements for deliveries that may be scheduled during this time.

The four major ingredients in a sealcoat mix are petroleum binder, water, silica sand, and polymer additives. The petroleum binder is responsible for binding the other ingredients together and providing asphalt surface protection. It also gives the sealcoat a deep black appearance and helps maintain its consistency and flexibility. The other ingredients in a sealcoat mix serve a variety of purposes, including drying the seal coat quickly, altering sand suspension, and increasing its resistance to salts and petrochemicals.

Refined coal tar is the most commonly used binder in a sealcoat mix. It is a thick black liquid that is a byproduct of the distillation of bituminous coal. However, it is important to note that refined coal tar has been linked to increased levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in creek beds and streams. As a result, more and more local governments are banning its use.

Once the pavement is clean, workers will apply two applications of sealer using state-of-the-art spray application equipment. During the process, any sealer that gets on curbs, concrete walkways, or buildings will be brushed by hand to reduce the chance of overspray.


Before sealcoating can take place, any potholes or pavement deficits should be filled and patched. Additionally, weeds should be pulled and any badly damaged areas of the asphalt should be replaced. This will ensure that your parking lot is in good condition and that the sealcoat adheres properly.

Once all repairs have been completed, the asphalt must be completely clean and dry before applying a sealcoat. This is accomplished using sweeping trucks and/or blowers to remove dirt, leaves, debris and other contaminants from the surface of the asphalt. If the pavement is not clean and dry, poor adhesion will occur which will result in premature cracking of the asphalt.

Pavement sealer is applied to the asphalt using squeegee or spray equipment or a combination of both. Typically, two coats of sealer are applied. It is important that the application of sealer is done under clear conditions and that traffic is kept off the newly-sealed surface for up to 24 hours.

Spray application is a popular method of sealcoating because it is fast, efficient and provides an even coat on the asphalt surface. Spray equipment can be equipped with a variety of nozzles to accommodate different size surfaces and textures.

One drawback to spray application is that it may leave unsightly lines near curbs and other objects. This can be avoided by using a brush or a roller to apply the sealer in these areas.

Another disadvantage of spray application is that it may leave oil or other chemical residue on vegetation, vehicles and nearby surfaces. This can be overcome by using a water-based sealant or by applying the sealcoat with a squeegee instead of a sprayer.

Refined coal tar is a common binder used in seal coating. However, it is a non-environmentally friendly product and some studies have shown that it can significantly increase the amount of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) in creek beds and streams. Because of these issues, most paving contractors have moved away from the use of refined coal tar in their asphalt sealcoating. There are now a wide variety of environmentally-friendly asphalt emulsion-based sealcoating materials that are available.


A seal coat prevents water and other liquids from penetrating asphalt, keeping it from oxidizing, drying out or cracking. It also protects paved surfaces from harmful UV rays that can cause damage or fade the surface.

In addition, a seal coat provides a barrier against chemicals that can corrode or stain asphalt, such as gasoline, motor oil, antifreeze and de-icing products. A seal coat keeps these liquids on the surface of your parking lot or driveway where they can be wiped up and cleaned, rather than seeping into the asphalt and causing problems.

Seal coating is a cost-effective way to prolong the life of your paved surfaces. It is typically one-third the price of an asphalt overlay. In addition, it saves on maintenance costs in the long run. By investing in a sealcoat every few years, you can keep your asphalt looking new and prevent costly repairs down the road.

If you want to extend the lifespan of your new sealcoat, it is important to follow proper maintenance practices. Regular sweeping and pressure washing removes dirt, oils and other debris that can erode the material. You should also avoid driving or walking on a newly sealed pavement until it dries. If you must use your driveway, set up cones or barricades to protect the area until it dries completely.

It’s also recommended to have your sealcoat reapplied every 1.5 – 3 years depending on the condition of your pavement. It is important to consult with a professional to determine the best schedule for your asphalt based on its usage and wear and tear.

While it may seem like a luxury to have your parking lot or driveway seal coated, it is actually a wise investment for your business. A well-maintained and attractive asphalt surface will improve your customer’s experience from the moment they enter your property. Having a smooth, black driveway or parking lot creates a great first impression that will make customers feel confident about doing business with you. Avoid losing business to competitors with unsightly, unkempt lots and keep your customers happy by scheduling your next sealcoat appointment today!